Falotier Riverpod: a 'real life' state management PoC (Part 1)

Hi there! This is my first Flutter post, \(• ◡ •)/

Full app code here:

GitHub - roubachof/falotier_riverpod: The purpose of this PoC is to implement main real life app use cases and see if the selected state management library elegantly supports all the needed mutations. The select state management library is Riverpod.
The purpose of this PoC is to implement main real life app use cases and see if the selected state management library elegantly supports all the needed mutations. The select state management libra...

It's been several years now that I have started my Flutter journey, did some apps for clients, did some research too, and like everyone, I am on a quest.

I am a Riverpod enthusiast, but coming from a MVVM oriented world, I had my share of doubts and interrogations. I read a lot of examples, but I couldn't find a sample app that covers the scenarios I always meet when I am building an app for a client.

The purpose of this Proof of Concept is to implement all real life app scenarios and see if the Riverpod elegantly supports all the needed mutations (spoiler alert: it kind of does :).

the holy quest


There will be several posts on Falotier's implementation. I dunno how many for now, but here is my forecast:

  1. Falotier's introduction: description of the loading states (you are here)
  2. Architecture walkthrough
  3. Loading from scratch use case study
  4. Refreshing use case study
  5. List update use case study
  6. Item details update use case study
  7. Design implementation

Falotier was the name given to the street lamp lighters in France.

Loading states

What I call loading states includes all the state transitions of the app. Since all those transitions include async calls, some of them are remote. It means we have to wait between transitions. Thus we need to give some UI feedback to the users.

It can be done with progress bar, refresher widget, saving overlay...But also with some animations.

For example when a falotier lights a lamp, the fire coming from the lamp will begin to grow when the remote call is done. Respectively, the fire will shrink when he'll turn off the lamp.


As a falotier:

  • You can assign new streets to you by taping to the Add Street button,
  • You can lighten your burden by taping on the cross of an item,
  • You must lit the street lamp when the night is coming by taping on the street lamp bulb,
  • You must turn off the street lamp when the night is over with the same gesture.

Loading from scratch

The loading of an empty screen.
If the loading is successful, we display our result.
Or we display an informative message to the user and we give him the possibility to retry.

loading from scratch


When an item is already loaded and we want to refresh it.
Typically the pull-to-refresh of a list.
If the refresh is successful, we update our whole list.
It there is an error during the refresh, we show a SnackBar.


List update

Adding a new item in the list

We tap on the FloatingActionButton, it opens a modal displaying our available streets.
We select one, we call an update method on our server side.
During the call, we show an overlay.
If the remote call is successful we update our list state and close the modal.
If there was a error during the call, we display a SnackBar to our user.

list update

Removing an item from a list

We tap on an item cross.
We call a remove method on our server side.
During the call, we transform our cross icon to a loading widget.
If the remote call is successful we update our list state and the item is removed.
If there was a error during the call, we display a SnackBar to our user.


add and remove a list item

Item details update

By taping to a list item, we navigate to a street.
By taping on the street lamp, we toggle its light.
This is calling a method on the server side.
During the remote call, we display an animation of the light which is growing or fading.
If it fails, the previous state is restored and we display a SnackBar.

item details update

Our architecture must of course propagate the new immutable item to the item list.


The design

I implemented a theme with a separate flutter project called falotier_design.
It's like I had a design system and implemented it with a theme, giving semantics to colors, spaces, text, etc...
I also have a collection of Widgets in this library that I use in my apps.

For this I followed Aloïs Deniel guidance.
Please have a look at this great video.

You can also check his repo.